\n Okay, so here is this really fun meme that I got from http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2009-03/31-andi_needs
Here is how it works: You do a google search with your name and the word needs in parentheses. (i.e. “David needs”) Then you make comments on the hits.
David Really Needs a Date
Wow! Yeah….
David needs someone to really flesh out what he is about….unicorns, dragons… and sandwich making..
David needs to become more tolerant, especially of emotions. … David needs to be able to do this work independently. …
Thats right! Tolerance and Independence!
Dirty David needs a wash
Yes! Wash me!
David needs a steady influence
Steady influence for what?
David needs your help
Yes, send money!
David Needs |
Facebook? This is the last thing I need
David needs prayer!
Prayer and other strange things for atheists to need.
David needs the beach!
Thats it! Thats what I need!!!