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Personal Webpage of David Duggins

Well, I was born on a normal day in July, 1981 and have been creating chaos ever since. Born in North Carolina, but raised in the aftermath of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, I have been messing around with computers nearly my entire life. I wrote my first program in assembly when I was 11. In my early teens I ran a BBS connected to Fidonet and started building a website for my band. In 1999 I was introduced to Linux, and it was love at first compile. I started my career in IT in the early 2000's doing IT for a Car Dealership in Charlotte NC. I wrote my first major web app in Cold Fusion (an ecom app) at that time. In 2006 I left Charlotte and moved down to Columbia where starting working as a developer, freelancer and consultant. Currently I am working as a freelance developer and DevOps consultant!!

Google's Fast Flip

\n I am a google fan. When I see something new in the labs, I gotta give it a try. I’ve just given Fast Flip and speedy spin and I have to say that I am impressed with the potential.

fast flip

The concept seems to be to give a rss newsreader a more “paper” feel. A lot like reading a magazine online. I like how the content is listed on the page. An arrow lets you view more content to the right of the screen.

The text of the site is very well rendered, keeping the feel of the original site. Also, a little pop-up on the side lets you quickly navigate farther down.

fast flip

The bottom line: This goes right along with one of my previous posts on Google Reader. I would love to see the ability to add feeds for my favorite sites to this. In fact, total customization would be preferred. This way, I could have the convenience of a newsreader and still see the sites that I am following in a visual way.

(see my post Sterilization of the Web for more info on my insights on this topic

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