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Personal Webpage of David Duggins

Well, I was born on a normal day in July, 1981 and have been creating chaos ever since. Born in North Carolina, but raised in the aftermath of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, I have been messing around with computers nearly my entire life. I wrote my first program in assembly when I was 11. In my early teens I ran a BBS connected to Fidonet and started building a website for my band. In 1999 I was introduced to Linux, and it was love at first compile. I started my career in IT in the early 2000's doing IT for a Car Dealership in Charlotte NC. I wrote my first major web app in Cold Fusion (an ecom app) at that time. In 2006 I left Charlotte and moved down to Columbia where starting working as a developer, freelancer and consultant. Currently I am working as a freelance developer and DevOps consultant!!

Sterilization of the Web

\n It dawned on the a while back that using google reader to view all the blogs and other things that interest me online, I was inadvertently sterilizing the web. I don’t see the changes that people make to their websites. I just read the content. It is, ultimately a very self-centered act. We are saying that only the content interests us, not the individuals artistry. As a web-developer, I have to ask myself if I want others to sterilize my site in the same way. I have spent a lot of effort on my site. (I just today made some changes to my logo and stuff…) Both the main site and the theme that my WordPress blog uses. I also know a lot of sites that are great. My friend Ian has a great blog. So is the blog Blogging is Futile. One of the blogs I read regularly (a relative term based on updates!) Amaya’s “If I Can’t Dance to It It’s Not My Revolution” has changed at least twice since I’ve been reading..and I don’t even know when the last change took place! Another awesome blog site is Andreas Gohr’s

Don’t get me wrong, I like google reader, and it has been a very useful tool, just don’t forget to check out the sites of your friends from time to time!!

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