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Personal Webpage of David Duggins

Well, I was born on a normal day in July, 1981 and have been creating chaos ever since. Born in North Carolina, but raised in the aftermath of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, I have been messing around with computers nearly my entire life. I wrote my first program in assembly when I was 11. In my early teens I ran a BBS connected to Fidonet and started building a website for my band. In 1999 I was introduced to Linux, and it was love at first compile. I started my career in IT in the early 2000's doing IT for a Car Dealership in Charlotte NC. I wrote my first major web app in Cold Fusion (an ecom app) at that time. In 2006 I left Charlotte and moved down to Columbia where starting working as a developer, freelancer and consultant. Currently I am working as a freelance developer and DevOps consultant!!

....Creating Chaos Since 1981!

  1. Server Stuff a Developer Needs to Know (part 1)

    Recently I have been moving more and more away from development and more into System Administration. Still, my skills and experience in programming …

  2. DevOps: Bulding Projects with Ant

    I’ve been running a build process for an application that I am working on that is rather complicated. Originally I was manually managing the build process, with a few scripts to supplement my procedures. The past few days I have finally had the time to sit down and consolidate my build into a single ant script. The company that I am contracting for is a heavy Java shop, so I am using Ant mostly because everyone will have access to ant. I am use to make so it’s been a bit of a learning curve, but Ant is a very cool thing. So, for starters, let me outline my current build process and then I will show you how I have automated it. …

  3. Using Zend Style Config Files Everywhere

    It’s been a while since my last blog entry, I know!! I feel bad, so here is a bit of php goodness to make us all feel better! …

  4. Preparing a Dev Environment with Puppet

    For starts, I now have markup installed in my blog, so no more typing html!! Yea!\n …

  5. Running Multiple Apps On NodeJs

    So, what I am wanting to so is to be able to run multiple apps on Nodejs. Specifically, I want to be able to use node-static to server static files and some other app (yet to be determined) to server up my blog as flat files. I’ve done this before in Ruby using Rack and Sinatra…so I figure I would give Nodejs’s Bogart a try!\n …

  6. Cloud9 IDE

    A few days ago I went ahead and I install Cloud9 ide onto my laptop. I’ve been using the cloud version for editing this site as well as some other git-hub based sites and I love it. I didn’t think that I could love it even more then I did before, but I do!\n Locally, I can launch a workspace and start editing local files…and the console gives me complete shell access to my system! I’m working on a project that is being managed with subversion =( and the design team is using sass. So when a change is made in the core style, I can go to the console and update the svn then compile sass with compass and we are good to go!! …

  7. 2013 is here people

    Well, it’s here. 2013. We made it! 2012 was a blast, but now we have another year to make plans for and strive for greatness! I am pleased to say that a majority of my resolutions from last year where meet! So, in that spirit, I shall now give you all my goals for 2013\n …

  8. Hark A Vagrant

    Ok, so we start out today with a double reference!! First we are paying homage to the incredibly funny web-comic Hark! A Vagrant. If you are a history nerd certainly check it out!!(Hark A Vagrant). But we are really talking about the really cool vm utility Vagrant. In a nut shell: You download/load a VM packaged as a vagrant box. It is loaded and run in the background using Virtual Box. Once properly setup, you can ssh into it as well as view it’s web contents in a browser. (using port forwarding). It can also be provisioned using Chef or Puppet. \nWhat this means is that you can configure a custom server environment ready for your entire team and they can download it ready to go….or if you want to save on can create a base system and then write a provisioning script that installs EVERYTHING that is needed. It’s a pretty sweet little setup! It’s also a great way to play around with different languages/environments on the fly. I built my own base Debian Wheezy box and I have been using it to play around with Node.js without compromising my work environment! …

  9. New Relic

    I have been using New Relic on my commercial server for a while now. It’s a great way to monitor all your customers sites/apps and make sure that things are running smoothly. I really enjoy the weekly reports and the daily warnings if things are not running right. I recently had a report of high cpu usage on my personal server and it let me know exactly what was causing the problem, so when I ssh’ed in to the server, I knew exactly what I needed to do!! Go and setup a free trial account right now and once you deploy to your server, they will send you a really cool t-shirt!! And don’t worry about cost!! They have a basic version for free…or several hosts (AppFog, Rackspace) offer free standard monitoring with your server!! New Relic …

  10. Using like to make better queries

    Today I am going to impart some more command line goodness on you! (You’re welcome!)\n Last time we talked about using the like term to pull out similar tables. Now we will use it in a query to pull out similar values from a field. …

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