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Personal Webpage of David Duggins

Well, I was born on a normal day in July, 1981 and have been creating chaos ever since. Born in North Carolina, but raised in the aftermath of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, I have been messing around with computers nearly my entire life. I wrote my first program in assembly when I was 11. In my early teens I ran a BBS connected to Fidonet and started building a website for my band. In 1999 I was introduced to Linux, and it was love at first compile. I started my career in IT in the early 2000's doing IT for a Car Dealership in Charlotte NC. I wrote my first major web app in Cold Fusion (an ecom app) at that time. In 2006 I left Charlotte and moved down to Columbia where starting working as a developer, freelancer and consultant. Currently I am working as a freelance developer and DevOps consultant!!

....Creating Chaos Since 1981!

  1. My final(current) Blog Solution

    \n So, I have been thinking a good bit about my blog. As a solution, jekyll seems cool, and very close to my ideal, but it is still not perfect. My WordPress blog automatically tweeted my new posts, which in turn appeared on my Facebook page. Incidentally, I uploaded all my old posts to a posterous blog, and I really like the idea of using posterous. Seriously, email by blog and have it appear. That’s too cool. However, I still want to have my blog hosted on my site as I have always done. Then, earlier yesterday it hit me! Why not use posterous for my blog, and include a rss feed from posterous on my blog site. I looked into the feed, and started mucking around with the ruby to parse and display an rss feed. Found a great little script and started modding it a tad….The end results is this! I am posting this via email to posterous. Either way, it’s cool. Also, posterous tweets and posts to facebook. So everyone will know what is going on!! …

  2. Charleston Trip

  3. Create a Project Directory with Ruby

    \n I use TextMate right now pretty much exclusively. When I am working on a Rails project, it’s easy. I create the project with rails and then load the project in TM. But for php/html stuff, I can’t do that. So I have created a little ruby script that will create a basic project for me. I know that there are others (and even some better) but ruby is such a cool language that is is often times easier to create from scratch than it is to do a Google search. With all this being said, just in case some one decides to do a Google search, here is my code for creating a project shell. Enjoy!! …

  4. Some more Classless JavaScript

    \n I know that I kind of said that I would show off an iPhone app next, but this is just some cool stuff that I’ve been working on today that I just had to share. It is a practical example of using javascript and prototype. This is a very basic quiz system that lets you define your question as an object. The object contains everything needed to display and score the question. It is basically a simple class with two methods. One to display the question and the other one to score it. This is just a basic mock-up of some code that will eventually grow to be a bit more versatile and pretty. …

  5. Collatz Conjecture Part 1 (A simple JavaScript)

    \n After reading the XKCD strip on the Collatz Conjecture, I figured that it would be pretty sweet to take the conjecture and create a JavaScript to work through it. I started out with a script that simply printed out the steps. Since it makes more sense to just output the number of steps, I have redone it just a bit to do just that. …

  6. Everytime I look at ruby I just have to say "Wow"

    \n So here is the background: At our last Mac User’s Group gathering, my good friend and Ruby on Rails Jedi, Jed Schneider in the process of his talk showed a pretty nifty little ruby script that created a single file that repeated the same line over and over again a set number of times. It was pretty sweet. Fast forward to almost a week later and I am having to create a massive amount of test data for some final testing. I need to create a grand total of 61 csv files, all with different names but that contain the same five email address (as well as some other information) So I decided to try and implement a solution in Ruby, drawing on the concepts of Jed’s script. Ianand I sat down for a spare second and knocked out a little script that does just that. …

  7. Custom Error Handling with PHP

    One major headache in any major project is how you are going to handle the errors. For starters, it is not a good idea to show errors on a live, production site. But on the other hand, you don’t want your system to blow-up and you not know what has happened. There are lots of ways that you could handle this situation. This is just the way that I am handling it on my current project. Background: My current project is a behind-the-firewall-intranet application. It is not accessible for out side the office. So it’s safe to leave error messages on…except for the fact that no one wants to see the error messages except for me. I was given the task of making errors as terse and minimum as possible in their output, while at the same time recording more detailed information in some kind of log file that could be seen my anyone who wanted to know more information. …

  8. Thoughts on the new iPad

    \n Ever since the iPad was announced the other day, I have been giving a lot of thought to it. I have to admit, I’ve been thinking a lot about cloud computing the past few weeks, and this just gave those thoughts a whole new avenue. The biggest thought that I have is this: Could I, a developer, use the iPad as my primary computing device? …

  9. My new Mac Desktop (at work)

    \n I got a new mac at my job. I opted for a Mac Mini, fully upgraded to 4gigs of ram and a single 500gb harddrive. I also got two 20” HD LCD monitors. It’s a sweet deal. Here is a side-by-side screen shot of both on the desktop. …

  10. Classless Object Oriented Programming (lesson 2 prototype)

    \n Merry Christmas! Today is also my daughter’s fourth birthday. She sat with me and helped me prepare for this lesson.. We created a Girl class and a Girl object called Luba. Then we made her sing! It was alot of fun. I don’t think she understood Object Oriented Programming, but it was a great start. …

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